Julian FILIP
This section is situated at the beginning of the ICH Inventory due to the important place that the oral speech occupies in the traditional culture, also called “culture of orality”. Having the role of a way of communication, the spoken language maintained across the centuries the entire fund of intangible cultural heritage. The expressions of the art of speech, due to their functions and antiquity, concentrate maximum of first-class information on knowledge, ethics, moral norms and aesthetics of the communities that identify themselves with this heritage.
In order to include the entire heritage of literary texts, the elements were included in the List according to the following criteria of classification, accepted in the nowadays folkloric research:
1. criterion of functionality in the sphere of traditional culture (e.g.: ritual texts, non-ritual texts, magic texts);
2. aesthetic criterion (e.g.: epic, lyrical, drama genres, with the correspondent species and categories);
3. criterion of contextuality in the sphere of traditional culture (e.g.: ritual texts from the cycle of calendar customs, ritual texts from the cycle of customs related to human’s life, ritual texts related to labour traditions, texts used during children and youth games);
4. criterion of literary genre (e.g.: aphoristic texts, epic non-ritual texts, lyrical non-ritual texts);
5. criterion of way of expression (e.g.: non-ritual epic texts in verses, non- ritual epic texts in prose).
The section was structured as follows:
Epic non-ritual texts
Aphoristic texts
Puzzling texts
Magic ritual texts
Ritual texts from the calendar cycle of customs
Ritual family texts
Religious-Christian folk texts
Lyrical non-ritual texts
Texts used during children and youth games
Texts with a documentary-identity function for the memory of the communities bearers of intangible cultural heritage
Epic non-ritual texts
I.1. Repertory of fairy tales (about animals, fantastic ones or those having the character of a novel), together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.2. Repertory of legends (etiological – on the creation and organization of the world, on cosmos, flora and fauna; mythological – on the genesis, existence and disappearance of supernatural things; historical – on past events and personalities; religious legends – on biblical figures, saints and their holidays; toponymical – on the genesis of certain places; hydronimical – on the genesis of certain rivers; eschatological – on the end of things), together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.3. Repertory of stories (accounts of unusual incidents), together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.4. Repertory of jokes (anecdotes, stories), together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.5. The poetic repertory of epic songs (heroical, about "voinici", about "viteji", about haiduci, about the feudal court, historical; fantastic-mythological; epic songs on pastoral subjects; family ballads about: fiancés, parents and children, brothers and sisters, spouses, godfathers and godsons), together with the regional names attributed to them.
(see Traditions and Expressions of Musical Art or Practice; Knowledge, Practices and Symbols about Man, Nature and Cosmos).
Aphoristic texts
I.6. Repertory of proverbs and sayings, idiomatic expressions, together with the regional names attributed to them.
(see Celebrations, Customs and Rites).
Puzzling texts
I.7. Repertory of riddles, together with the regional names attributed to them.
(see Social practices of performance, holidays, customs, rituals).
Magic ritual texts
I.9. Poetic repertory of "descântece"/exorcisms (therapeutic ones, regarding people’s health and that of animals etc.; those aiming to influence the destiny and others of the same kind), together with the regional names attributed to them;
I.10. Repertory of incantation formulas (addressed to sun, moon, forest, stork etc), together with the regional names attributed to them (see Social practices of performance, holidays, customs, rituals).
(see Knowledge, Practices and Symbols about Man, Nature and Cosmos).
Ritual texts from the cycle of calendar customs
I.11. Poetical repertory of texts of ritual formulas promoted by children on Christmas eve, carols for children and songs about the birth of Jesus, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.12. Poetical repertory of carols interpreted by carolers in male groups, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.13. Poetical repertory of carol texts interpreted by mixt groups on Christmas eve or on Christmas night, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.14. Poetical repertory of texts of well-wishings thanking for gifts, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.15. Poetical repertory of texts of ritual folk theatre, together with the regional names attributed to them
I.16. Poetical repertory of texts for dances with masks, together with the regional names attributed to them
I.17. Poetical repertory of texts of "Pluguşor" (a traditional custom of Romanian people) for children, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.18. Poetical repertory of texts of "Pluguşor" (a traditional custom of Romanian people) for grown-ups, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.19. Poetical repertory of "urături", together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.20 Poetical repertory of ritual formulas for "Semănat" (sowing), together with the regional names attributed to them.
I. 21. Poetical repertory for "Sorcova", together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.22. Poetical repertory for Epiphany, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.23. Repertory of ritual formulas for "Mărţişor", together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.24. Poetical repertory of texts for "Focurel" ("Uliulica", "Iertăciunea"), together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.25. Poetical repertory of texts for "Lăzărelul", together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.26. Poetical repertory of texts and ritual formulas of Easter cycle, together with the regional names attributed to them.
(see Celebrations, Customs and Rites; Traditions and Expressions of the Musical Art or Practice; Knowledge, Practices and Symbols about Man, Nature and Cosmos).
Ritual texts from the labour customs
I.27. Poetical repertory of texts for invocation of rain, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.28. Poetical repertory of texts of songs for reaping, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.29. Repertory of formulas for occupational customs (First plough, First harvest, The last sheaf; Spinning; Warp; "Întinsul natrei", "Tăiatul uruiocului"; Bread baking etc), together with the regional names attributed to them.
(see Celebrations, Customs and Rites; Knowledge regarding Traditional Alimentation; Techniques and Knowledge concerning Traditional Craftsmanships).
Ritual texts from the cycle of family customs
I.30. Poetical repertory of texts and ritual formulas for birth customs, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.31. Repertory of ritual formulas at becoming sisters and brothers, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.32. Repertory of ritual formulas at the departure of youngsters to army, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.33. Repertory of ritual formulas regarding marriage customs, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.34. Poetical repertory of texts of ritual wedding songs, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.35. Poetical repertory of wedding orations, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.36. Poetical repertory of "strigături" (wedding witty couplets), together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.37. Repertory of ritual formulas at the burial ceremonies and the day of remembering the dead ones, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.38. Poetical repertory of songs for the burial ritual, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.39. Poetical repertory of texts of "bocete" (lamentations), together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.40. Poetical repertory of texts of verses specific for the burial ceremonies and rituals of remembering the dead ones, together with the regional names atributed to them.
(see Traditions and Expressions of Musical Art or Practice; Celebrations, Customs and Rites; Knowledge regarding Traditional Alimentation; Techniques and Knowledge concerning Traditional Craftsmanships).
Religious-Christian folk texts
I.41. Poetical repertory of Christian religious songs, together with the regional names attributed to them (songs on biblical motifs).
Non-ritual lyrical texts
I.42. Poetical repertory of lyrical songs and "Doina" (songs about the act of singing, about love and longing, sadness and dull, about departure, "haiducie" (outlaw life), "cătănie" (conscription), cradle, memories, verse-letters and others of the same kind), together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.43. Poetical repertory of "strigături" (witty couplets) during dances (call to dance and its coordination, expressing joy or love, humorous, satiric and others of the same kind), together with the regional names attributed to them.
(see Traditions and Expressions of Musical Art or Practice; Celebrations, Customs and Rites; Knowledge regarding Traditional Alimentation; Techniques and Knowledge concerning Traditional Craftsmanships; Traditions and Expressions of the choreographic Art).
Texts used during the children and youth games
I.44. The terminology of children and youth games (names of games, of players and objects employed, and others of the same kind).
I.45. Texts of reckonings ("cinghilitori").
I.46. Poetical texts of games regarding elements and beings from nature.
I 47. Normative texts (in which are described rules of the game).
I.48. Humorous texts having the function of learning and entertainment.
I.49. Cumulative texts having the function of exersing the memory and imagination.
I.50. Texts having aspects of social-historic documentation.
I.51. Exercises of language ("frământări de limbă").
I.52. "Pidosniciile", "limba păsărească" (limericks, Double Dutch).
(see Celebrations, Customs and Rites; Traditions and Expressions of Musical Art or Practice; Traditions and Expressions of the Choreographic Art or Practice).
Texts having identity-documentary function for the communities' memory
I.53. The repertory of beliefs and superstitions (beliefs about the positive or negative quality of space, time: good days/evil days, good places/evil places; beliefs and representations of the human body, of human gestures and actions; meteorological forecasts and superstitions based on the observation of nature (animals' behaviour', signs of the sky, trees, water etc.), beliefs about demonological beings ("strigoi", "moroi", "solomonari", "blajini"), domestic snake, "iarba fiarelor", hidden treasures, end of the world and others of the same kind) in verbal expression, together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.54. Narratives regarding mythical representations (Eve, Christmas, "Crăciuneasa", "Baba Dochia", "Mărțișorul", "Rusaliile", "Știma Apei", "Muma Pădurii", "Vîrcolacii", "Samca", "Știma Apelor", "Moșii", Death), together with the regional names attributed to them.
I.55. Accounts regarding holidays, customs and rituals, in which appear specific ritual practices and terminology related to them.
I.56. Narratives regarding traditional crafts and arts, in which appear specific terminology and ritual practices related to them.
I.57. Texts regarding traditional practices of preventing, control and cure of diseases, in which appear a specific terminology and ritual practices related to them.
I.58. Accounts regarding social life and the traditional institutions of the communities bearers of intangible cultural heritage, where appear a specific terminology and ritual practices regarding them.
(see Celebrations, Customs and Rites; Traditions and Expressions of the Choreographic Art or Practice; Traditions and Expressions of Musical Art or Practice; Knowledge regarding Traditional Alimentation; Techniques and Knowledge concerning Traditional Craftsmanships).
Select bibliography:
- Băieşu, Nicolae. Folclorul ritualic şi viaţa [Ritual folklore and life]. Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1981.
- Băieşu, Nicolae. Tradiţii etno-folclorice ale sărbătorilor de iarnă [Ethno-folklorical traditions of winter holidays]. Chişinău: S.n., 2008. (Tipogr. Centrală).
- Băieşu, Nicolae. Sărbători domneşti închinate Maicii Domnului şi Mântuitorului. Studiu, culegere de texte etnografice şi folclorice [Lord's holidays dedicated to the Blessed Virgin and Saviour. Study, collection of ethnographic and folkloric texts], I. Chişinău: Cartea Moldovei, 2004.
- Băieşu, Nicolae. Poezia populară moldovenească a obiceiurilor de Anul Nou [Moldavian folk poetry of New Year customs]. Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1972.
- Băieşu, Nicolae. Folclorul copiilor [Children folklore]. Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1978.
- Băieşu, Nicolae., Graur, Ana şi alţii (alc.). Folclor românesc de la est de Nistru, de Bug, din nordul Caucazului (Texte inedite), în 2 volume [Romanian folklore from the East of Nistru, Bug and Nothern Caucasus], Volumul II. Chişinău: Institutul de Filologie al A.Ş.M, 2007.
- Botezatu, Grigore. Folclorul haiducesc în Moldova [The haiducesc=outlaw folklore in Moldova]. Chişinău,: Cartea Moldovenească, 1967.
- Botezatu, Gr., Băieşu N., Cirimpei V. şi alţii (red.). Creaţia populară. Curs teoretic de folclor
- românesc din Basarabia, Transnistria şi Bucovina [Folk creation. Theoretical course of Romanian folklore from Bessarabia, Transnistria and Bucovina]. Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1991.
- Ceaicovschi-Mereşanu, Gleb. Lerui ler [=a folk refrain]. Chişinău: Literatura Artistică, 1986.
- ***Cucuşor cu pană sură. Cântece din bătrâni [Cuckoo with grey feather. Old songs](alc. Const. Rusnac). Chişinău: Literatura artistică, 1988.
- Curbet Vl. La vatra horelor [At the home of hore=folk dance]. Chişinău: Cartea moldovenească, 1973.
- Curbet Vl. Aşa-i jocul pe la noi [This is how we dance]. Chişinău: Literatura artistică, 1985.
- Curbet Vl. Promotori ai artei populare [Promoters of folk art]. Chişinău, 1979.
- Curbet Vl. La gura unei peşteri cu comori [At the threshold of a cave with treasures]. Chişinău: Hyperion, 1994.
- Curbet Vl. Grai si suflet ne-au unit [Tongue and soul united us]. Chisinau: Pontos, 2000.
- Filip I. Primiţi căluţul? Teatru popular pentru şcoala medie [Do you receive the horse? Folk theater for the secondary school]. Chişinău: Literatura artistică, 1983.
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- ***Folclor din Bugeac [Folklore from Bugeac] (alc. Gr.Botezatu, I.Buruiană, N.Băieşu ş.a.). Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1982.
- ***Folclor din stepa Bălţilor [Folklore from the Bălţi steppe] (alc. Gr.Botezatu, I.Buruiană, N.Băieşu ş.a.). Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1986.
- ***Folclor din Câmpia Sorocii [Folklore from the Soroca field] (alc. Gr. Botezatu, I. Buruiană, N. Băieşu). Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1989.
- ***Folclor din nordul Moldovei [Folklore from Northern Moldova] (alc. Gr.Botezatu, I. Buruiană, N. Băieşu ş. a.). Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1983.
- ***Folclor din Ţara Fagilor [Folklore from the Land of Beech-trees] (alc. Botezatu, Buruiană, Băieşu ş. a.). Chişinău: Hyperion, 1993.
- Găluşcă T., Nicola I. Folclor român din Basarabia [Romanian folklore from Bessarabia] (ediţie îngrijită de Gr. Botezatu şi T. Colac). Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1999.
- Hâncu, Andrei. Eposul baladic la moldoveni [The ballad-like epos among the Moldovans]. Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1977.
- Junghietu, Efim, Furtună, Alexandru. (alc.). Folclor păstoresc [Pastoral folklore]. Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1991.
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