In order to make an inventory of the folk choreography, to constitute the repertoire of traditional, ritual, ceremonial and semi-cult dances included in the intangible cultural heritage of the Republic of Moldova, several criteria of classification were considered.
The complex of choreographic ways of expression was taken into account, the elements, the formulas constituted of these elements, as well as the general features of the dance. In order to comprise the whole atmosphere of the complex dance I could not leave aside the complementary aspects: music, text, accessories that contribute to the development of the dance and are organically linked to it.
It was necessary to add to all these choreographic factors such spiritual aspects as: the topic, function and nature of the dance, in order to understand the deep meaning of this phenomenon and its relationship with the surrounding environment.
Four geographical areas were defined: South, Center, North and left bank area of river Nistru, which are not exactly defined and delineated on scientific criteria as ethnographic zones.
The Romanian folk dance from the Republic of Moldova has a rich and complex series of factors that determine a clear-cut national specificity. Starting with the key aspects: occasions, kinetic diversity, rhythm and typology, our stylistic interpretive choreography differs essentially from the traditional choreographic art of our eastern neighbors, as part of the Romanian traditional choreography.
The Romanian folk dance from Moldova includes a wide range of ceremonial dances, ritual, fun dances, virtuosities, entertaining dances of social nature, dances linked to the annual cycle, dances that reflect the working process, occupations, dances dedicated to the natural phenomena, to the flora and fauna, life cycle, marriage, death, dances that reflect the bravery and struggle of the people, dances that depict the woman, dances of magic character, zoomorphic dances, as well as dances belonging to other ethnic groups.
The opportunities for expressing the popular dances are: the village dance, weddings, baptizing, joint work activities, birthdays, name days, and different table ceremonies.
On these occasions the dances are still performed mostly like in former times, according to certain rules and local customs, or other persons are invited to organize such events, parties.
The variety of dances is relatively wide; they differ from village to village, from one area to another. Dances that belong to the fundamental layer with integrated character prevail and can be found across the territory in dozens of variants with small changes, improvisations, characteristic features and dances with intermediary and auxiliary roles. These and other distinguishing features can be found in music, rhythm, tempo, shout and whistle / yell forms.
The differences in the style of dance build are handed down from one area to another; however there are differences in the performing manner and stance. The build of a dance includes a rich dance rhythm, a wide range of tempi, multiple and specific forms of presentation and expression and a number of items that contribute to the creation of a national specificity.
According to their form, structure and nature, the traditional dances from the Republic of Moldova belong to the vast and rich family of the unique Balkan-Carpathian choreography through their executing movements as collective and group dances.
Being evidenced by a fully dimensional correlation between the dance figures and musical phrases, the choreography as a form of expression, amazes by its plastic capacities and kinetic feeling.
Multiple elements are performed during time values (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16) with a straight calm and proud stance, that combines varied extremes in different groups of simple successive steps or large steps: beat time steps, heels-tips that turn into choreographic phrases.
A characteristic feature of our dance is the parallel movement of knees and feet. The position of arms is very diverse in the group dances: hora stance, arms crossed position in front or back, arm chain above, arm chain down.
In the following couple dances with down and up hands positions, arms on shoulders, as in hora dance, squinting, polka stance, turning position etc.
In solo dances, the arm position is free: down, to the back and on shoulder height regardless of the different groups where they a performed: in circle, arch, line, group, couples and solo.
As an artistic phenomenon viewed in its entire complexity, the folk dance is a collective creative dance which makes a unique definite complex.
In the present work we aimed to summarize at least a part of the dance repertoire from the Republic of Moldova, which is still functional, but is in danger of extinction. As a reference we used the material that has been gathered over the years by the experts in the field from different festivals and other folk events, weddings, baptizing, patronage village days and village hora. We used as a support and guidance the literature on this subject, as well as the information and reports from the printed media.
During the work process, as a main scientific basis for us, served the work “Morphologic classification of Romanian folk dances" by Andrei Buscan, a fundamental study concerning the whole Romanian territory.
We aimed to define the dances with various names that differ from village to village based on the choreographic type, musical type and to determine the musical tempo under which the dance is performed without a thorough study of other aspects: kinetic, spiritual etc., that require a more comprehensive study which wasn’t the purpose of the present work.
Dance types attested on the territory of the Republic of Moldova
Type | Example |
,,Horă dreaptă” | ,,Hora mare”, ,,Hora”, ,,Mosnegii”, ,,Jocul babelor”, ,,Floricica”; |
,,Horă în două părţi” | ,,Hora în două părţi”; |
,,Dans de nuntă” | ,,Danţul”, ,,Danţul miresei”; |
,,Horă bătută” | ,,Hora cu strigături”, ,,Hangul”, ,,Ghilabaua”, ,,Hangul de la Coteala”; |
,,Joc mare” | ,,Nuneasca”, ,,Jocul cel mare”; |
,,Horă saier” | ,,Hora din Căuşeni”; |
,,Horă polca” | ,,Fudula”, ,,Frunza mărului”, ,,Sălcioara”, ,,Rotunda”; |
,,Bătută Moldovenească” | ,,Haiduceasca”, ,,Bătuta”; |
,,Învârtită bătută” | ,,Rusasca”, ,,Ţărăneasca”, ,,Corăgheasca” (în perechi); |
,,Învârtită dreaptă” | ,,Colbul”; |
,,Învârtită ardeleană” | ,,Septeleanca”; |
,,Polcă şchioapă” | ,,Năframa”, ,,Papandura”, ,,Şchiopăţica”; |
,,Polcă dreaptă” | ,,Trandafirul”, ,,Polca”; |
,,Brâul nou” | ,,Alunelul”, ,,Brâul feciorilor”; |
,,Brâul dunărean” | ,Schita”, ,,Şiragul”; |
,,Brâul carpatic” | ,,Sârba zdruncinată”, ,,Arnăuţii”, ,,Brâu bătut”; |
,,Brâul mocănesc” | ,,Cadâneasca”, ,,Jocul cămăraşilor”, ,,Tăbăcăreasca”; |
,,Sârbă comună” | ,,Sârba”, ,,Jocul calului”, ,,Fusul (bărbătesc), ,,Sârba”; |
,,Sârbă distractivă (on request) | ,,Raţa” (nord); ,,Sârba trei ciocane”; |
,,Sârbă în doi” (in pairs) | ,,Sârba în doi”; |
,,Ciuleandra” (hore mici) | ,,Ciuleandra”, ,,Ciurul”, ,,Sita”. |
,,Ţărăneasca” | ,,Ţărăneasca”, ,,Rusasca”, ,,Tropoţica”; |
,,Doi plimbat” | ,,Boieraşul”, ,,Coşerul”, ,,Păstaia”, ,,Şerveţelul”, ,,Răcuşorul”, ,,Oleandra”; |
,,Baraboi” | ,,Baraboiul” (text special), ,,Marantisul”, ,,Şindreanca”; |
,,Doi bănăţean” | ,,Oleandra”, ,,Şarampoiul”, ,,Ardeleanca”, ,,Pomul”, ,,Busanca”, ,,Arnăutul”; |
,,Ceată moldovenească” | ,,Căiutii”, ,,Corăbeasca”, ,,Ciobăneasca”; |
,,Ceată ciobanească” | ,,Mocănaşul”; |
,,Drăgaica” | ,,Paparuda”, ,,Drăgaica”, ,,Lăzărelul”, ,,Crăiţele”; |
,,Ceată distractivă” | ,,Jocul Babelor”, ,,Jocul caprelor”, ,,Haiducii”, ,,Nunta ţării”, ,,Malanca”, ,,Ciuca”, ,,Moşii”, ,,Raţa”; |
,,Solo de virtuazitate” | ,,Bătuta”, ,,Săltata”; |
,,Batută solistica” | ,,Jocul cailor” (nord), ,,Mocanasul”, ,,Brâul bătut”, ,,Brâul ofiţeresc”, ,,De năfringi”; |
,,Geampara solistica” | ,,Cadâneasca”, ,,La sarmale”; |
,,Solo Tiganesc” | ,,Tigăneasca”, ,,Uşa cortului”, ,,Bătaia ferului”; |
,,Solo ritual” | ,,Calul”, ,,Capra”, ,,Cucosul”, ,,Ursul”, ,,Jucatul darului”, ,,Conăcăreasca”; |
,,Solo simplu” | ,,Lăzărelul”, ,,Dansul găinii”. |
,,Breaza” | ,,Breaza”. |
,,Sârba comună”
III.1. ,,Fusul” – belongs to the type sârba comună; componence – mixed, male. Simple building, complex, performance in eclipse, walking, fighting, leap steps, run steps, and crossed. Peculiar texts (requests), mobile sequence, overlapping disparities, common rhythm, musical bar, accelerated tempo, function of exhibition. This dance has a variable character attested in the north and central part of the country, sometimes called “Sâta”, or “Ciuru”.
III.2. ,,Colacul” – male (ritual) dance belonging to the class brâuri (cordons), group – mixed sârba, type – simple "sârba". It is danced by the "vornicei" (bridesmen) during the wedding; the bridesman of honour joacă (plays, dances around) the bride’s "colac" (traditional braided bread) which is later shared by loaves to the guests. The dance is performed in simple steps, cross steps, leap, crouch, forming a circle, while the bridesmen of honour "joacă a colac" in the center of the circle.
The dance has a simple construction and a variable character. The stance – chain of arms down, sometimes arm chain on shoulders. Ritual function MM 2 / 4. Simple "sârba". Sometimes at the request of the dancers, musicians increase the tempo and change the melody, thus the dancers perform virtuoso, on motives of simple "sârba", an entertaining "sârba". It is more frequently encountered in the central part of Moldova.
,,Ceată specială”
III.3. ,,Raţă” – ancient background, assigned to "sârba" on request, or to the specific band (entertaining). It has the form of closed circle and semicircle, pure male, mixed, found in the center of Moldova (arms twisted at the back). The stance – arms chain open on shoulders and freely down. Dynamic beaten steps, lateral movements and inside the circle, swinging of the body. Shouts at request according to the steps that were performed. Simple build, composed of two parts, passing through shouts, special text. Binary rhythm. Figurative motifs, various accessories, special function.
,,Sârba de doi”
III.4.,,Sârba de doi” – belongs to the class of doubles, to the polka group, and the choreographic type ,,sârba de doi”. Couples in the center of the "hora". Mobile succession. Sometimes independent overlapping. Common rhythm. Snappy/ fast tempo. Melody common for group dances, from which it derives; attested throughout the country. E.g. ,,Sârba-n vals”; ,,Brâuleţu-n vals”.
,,Ceată distractivă”
III.5. ,,Babele” or ,,jocul babelor” – belongs to the class "cete" (bands), the group – special bands, choreographic type – entertaining group dance, as a choreographic-dance genre – ,,Horă mare”. Stylistic type – moderate "hora" of type "bătrânească" (old men hora) MM-80-120, 2 / 4 binary rhythm. It is danced monomial in circle, semicircle, line, variable composition and deployment, simple build, walks, figurative and imitative motives, leaps, simple steps, beaten steps, clapping of hands and revolving steps. Various accessories (masks). It has an entertaining, fun function, of a special cheerful character, comic, grotesque, sometimes with special texts. Characteristic for the winter holidays, at New Year, more frequent in the north and center of the Republic.
III.6. ,,Moşnegii” – this dance belongs to the class of "cete" (bands), to the group of special bands, type of entertaining band, musical-choreographic genre "Horă mare". Stylistic type – "horă bătrânească" MM-80-120, 2/4 rhythm binary / ternary.
It is danced monomial in a circle, semicircle, line, variable composition, simple build. Walks, figurative and imitative motives, leaps, simple steps, beaten steps, twists, beats with the club. Accessories: masks, clubs. It has a special entertaining function, cheerful character, comic, grotesque, fun, sometimes special texts.
This type of dance is mainly found/danced on the New Year holidays in the north and center of the republic.
,,Cete speciale (Carpathian)”
III.7. ,,Căluţii” – class: bands; group: special Carpathian bands. Monomial male line dance, of variable composition, variable performance, simple build, walks, figurative motifs, leap steps, spurs, twists, figures of virtuosity, gay tempo to accelerated, in tempo of sârba. Music parts MM 2/4. Accessories: Masks of scenery horses, but having also the size of horses, whips. Special function, cheerful/ritual character. Now follows Part II „Floricica din Căluţi” (the flower of horses) (described separately). Followed by Part III, "Jocul cailor" (play of horses) solo representations one by one, being demonstrated all the horses and the interpretative skills of the dancers, type: "bătută solistică", common rhythm MM 2/4, predominant in the northern and central part of the Republic of Moldova. New Year dance.
,,Floricica din căluţi”
III.8. ,,Floricica”, – ,,Floricica din căluţi” Class: "cete" (bands), group: special bands, male dance, monomial in a circle. Variable composition. Variable performance, simple build. Walking the horses with simple steps, lateral steps, syncope steps, rotating across the circle, inside the circle, the dance tempo is quiet, of Hora, MM 2 / 4.
Peculiar text shouted by a dancer, repeated by the group. Such dances are performed on New Year in the north, and seldom in the center of the Republic. It can be entirely attributed to the musical-choreographic genre of "suită" (suite).
(see Traditions and Expressions of Verbal Art, having Language and Word Meaning as main Vehicle for Cultural Expression; Traditions and Expressions of the Musical Art or Practice; Celebrations, Customs and Rites; Knowledge, Practices and Symbols about Man, Nature and Cosmos; Techniques and Knowledge concerning Traditional Craftsmanship).
,,Brâu carpatic”
III.9. ,,Sârba zdruncinată” sau ,,Zdruncinată” – belongs to the class of: "brâuri", to the group carpathian "brâuri" A closed circle dance, semicircle, and even in line, predominantly male dance, more recently is danced in mixed pairs in lateral stance. Bilateral performance and in depth, with hopping steps, leap steps, beaten steps, flexions, cross steps, steps beaten on the hills.
Stance: chain of arms held down, with emphasis down on the second syllable of the tact. Tempo: gay, accelerated. Common function of virtuous, vigorous character at 2/4 accelerated, MM-152 172.
,,Învârtita bătută”
III.10. ,,Corăbeasca” or ,,Corăgheasca” as it is regionally called – belongs to the ancestral background of type Moldovan "brâuri" assigned to "bătuta învârtită". It is danced in uniform clattering steps on the same place, steps against stroke and spur jumps, accommodation steps, twists with cross steps, shouts performed by the leader of the dance, commands for changing figures being shouted in a specific style, being started and finished with interjections, but which are present also within the stanzas. Binary rhythm, less syncopated, 2/4 measure, not in harmony with the dance melody. The basic form is the circle, the dancers disposed individually. Stance: arms on hips or in the coat line on the shoulder. It makes a common family with similar dances (Ardeleneşte, Leuşteanca, is danced only by men).
,,Brâu mocănesc”
III.11. ,,Schiţa” – women's dance from the class: cordons; group: "brâuri mocăneşti". It is danced in a closed circle, being unfolded in depth and laterally, steps not over passing, adjoining steps, running steps with swinging the body and moving the hips. Stance: folded arm chain at the belt level with a descent down lowering and return to the starting position. Lively tempo, quiet nature, developed build, fixed succession MM 2/4.
,,Horă dreaptă”
III.12. ,,Băsmăluţa” – immemorial background. Binary rhythm of 2/4, rarely 6/8. Moderately brisk tempo, sometimes special texts, with various accessories. It is danced in a closed circle, rarely in open circle. The composition is mixed. Stance: arm chain held at the shoulder height. Simple structure figures, rarely developed. Walking in roundabouts, simple steps, rarely beaten. Variable function: common, sometimes cheering "Periniţa", ritual "Hora miresei", ritual "Hora căluşului". It has a quiet character, attested throughout the country, most frequent in the south.
III.13. ,,Danţ de nuntă” – Simple "hora", ancient background, practiced only at weddings, has a ceremonial function, closed circle. The composition is mixed or feminine. Stance: chain of arms at chest level, rarely on shoulders. Unfolding by going around with simple steps. Figures with a simple structure in a uniform succession, concordant overlap. Common rhythm, slow tempo, quiet character, melodies and texts sung by the dancers themselves or with accompaniment. Present throughout the country.
Genre: big "hora"; stylistic type: slow "hora"; binary or ternary rhythm, 6 / 8, M.M = 60-100. It is attested also as a moderate "hora "2/4 M.M - 80-120, binary / ternary rhythm.
,,Ceata moldovenească”
III.14. ,,Haiduceasca” – Class: bands; group: carpathian bands; type: Moldovan band. Choreographic-musical genre: "bătută-brâu". Fundamental stylistic layer. It is danced in a circle or semicircle/line monomial: male dance with walks, beatings, hook, tip-heeled steps, leaps, beats with the bat. The dance is of vigorous character and with athletic virtuosity. Accessories: bat, swords. Singer in the circle, semicircle. Figures are changed upon commands-shouts or under drum accompaniment. Simple/developed build, mobile sequence, consistent overlap, lively tempo, 2/4 M.M = 120-176. Body movements: rocking, bending, twisting, soloists, imitating the fight, presenting the interpretive-choreographic skills (endangered, doomed to disappear).
,,Ceata ciobănească” (ancestral fund)
III.15. ,,Mocănaşul” – Class: bands; group: Carpathian bands; type: ceată ciobănească. Dance purely male, is danced monomial in line, circle, semicircle, with simple steps, lateral steps, beaten steps around the bats, hooks, sitting down, cross steps, jumping over the bat, lifting the bats above the head. Mobile succession, coordinated line overlap, alert tempo. M.M 2/4, music genre – "horă bătută".
,,Solo de virtuozitate” (for leaps)
III.16. ,,Jocul diavorului” or ,,săltata” – Class: solo; group: virtuoso solo; type: "geampara solistică". Musical-choreographic genre "ostropăţ (geampara)". Fundamental stylistic layer. Species: Horă bătută; type: "geampara (ostropăţ)", asymmetric rhythm 7/16, 3/8 MM 120-144/160. Male dance, walks, fighting, leaps, tip-heel step, discharging squat, a soloist in the middle of the "hora" or independently.
Stance: arms up, down. Accessories: headscarves, glass (the glass on the head).Variable unfolding. Non coordinated or coordinated overlapping. Lively tempo, common function, lively character. The dance is attested throughout the country, more frequently in the south.
,,Solo special” (simple)
III.17 ,,Cadâneasca” – Class: solo; group: solo particular; type: simple solo; dance genre: "ostropăţ (geampara)". Stylistic layer: fundamental. Asymmetric rhythm 7/16, MM = 144-160, male, female. Walks. Figurative and various motives. Leaping steps, squats. Simple steps, cross steps, figures with a various structure and sequence. Consistent or inconsistent overlap. Lively tempo. Variable function, in our case – special. Attested in the south of the republic. E.g.: “De năfrângi”, ,,La jucatul darului”, ,,Jocul găinii”, ,,Jocul prosopului (năframă)”, ,,Jucatul rochiei” (on the second day) etc.
Citiţi fonetic
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,,Solo Ţigănesc”
III.18. ,,Ţigăneasca” or ,,Uşa cortului” – Gypsy solo, entertaining function; vigorous, comic character. It is danced on the spot, beats, hooks, tips, imitative motifs of the movements of blacksmiths. Common rhythm. E.g.: “bătaia fierului”. It is met sporadically in the south.
,,Hora în două părţi”
III.19. ,,Hora în două părţi” – ancient background, binary rhythm 2/4 in common. Lively tempo, common function; quiet, lively character. A closed circle dance. Stance: chain of arms at shoulder height. Bilateral unfolding or on the place, figures with a structure developed in uniform or mixed sequence: consistent overlap, bilateral walks with simple or beaten steps, frequently found in the south of the country.
III.20. ,,Ţopăita” – belongs to the class: big "hore"; group: simple "hore"; type: "hore" in two parts; musical-choreographic genre: big "horă"; fundamental stylistic layer; stylistic type: moderate "hora"; type: "hora" in two parts, 24 M.M = 90-120, binary / ternary rhythm. It is danced in a closed circle, sometimes open. Stance: chain of arms, with hands down (rarely at the chest level). Large arm movements, accentuated. Variable unfolding, uniform succession. Overlapping twist dance steps according to the foot cushion, figurative motives, adjusting steps. The dance has a lively, accelerated tempo speed. Common function, is of lively/exuberant character. As a general context it inclines with evident features for the group: "hore dunărene". Type: "hopping". Frequently found in the south of the country, met as pairs, in the opposite stance closed (the polka) and as a soloist in the stance: arms overhead.
Interpretative and stylistic features characteristic for the type "hopping":
1. dragging step (down-up) with two hops on the toes of both feet;
2. increased step receiving the body weight, with two hops on the toes of both feet.
3. two hops on the toes of both feet, followed by an emphasized step receiving the body weight.
Emphasis of arms according to:
- I example, simultaneously with the step gliding on the direction of the movement;.
- II example – emphasis of arms against the direction of the step;
- III example – emphasis according to the emphasized step (the third syllable). We consider that it’s a new type of solo of tartar influence attributed to classes IV or VI.
,,Doi bănăţean” (Oleandra)
III.21. ,,Oleandra” – Class: couples; group: polka; type: "Doi bănăţean". Groups of 3 (1 man + 2 women) in a circle, in line. Open stance, free arms down, crossed in the front, backwards. Simple build, rarely developed, mobile sequence. Transitions under the arm, twists. Figures on the spot, other times walking. Common anapest rhythm. Lively tempo, common function. Musical-choreographic genre: two 'Western'; background: median; intermediary role. E.g.: "Chiriacul","Poama", found in the districts on the left bank of river Nistru.
,,Doiuri simple”
III.22. ,,Baraboiul” – median background, couple dance, pairs arranged in a circle/line in the stance of a hand/twisted backwards, pairs change on command. Particular text, unfolding by going around, simple build, mobile sequence. Common ternary rhythm, asymmetrical 7/16, 2/4 binary 80-120 MM. Function: entertainment, cheerful character, found throughout the country.
Class: couples; group: simple couples; type, "Baraboi"; musical-choreographic genre: pairs of 'peasant'; type: moderate "hora".
,,Polcă dreaptă”
III.23. ,,Trandafirul” (the rose) – straight polka, median background. Mixed composition, closed circle. Couples in circle, in line. Dignified stance, skipping, steps in harmony with shouts. Fixed sequence, common rhythm. E.g.: “Baraboiul", "Galopul", "Huţulca". Special text for shouts.
Class: couples; group: polka; type: straight polka.
,,Doi plimbat”
III.24. ,,Iţele” – Class: couples; type: two walked; median background, common rhythm; musical genre: "hora"; moderate, lively tempo, M. musical 2/4. Couples in line, column. Stance: face-to-face pairs. Arms down and bent at the chest level. Imitating crafts dance, imitates the process of weaving. One pair is the shuttle, the other – threads, passing under the arms. Odd number of pairs, uniform succession, kinetic developed build, consistent overlap. Side steps, beaten steps, leap steps. Found in the north and center of the republic, in the Prut meadow.
,,Horă pe bătaie” ("Hangul")
III.25. ,,Hangul” – ancient background, characteristic elements for "hora pe bătaie"; closed circle formation. Stance: chain of arms downwards, folded at the chest level.
Mixed, wide, dynamic composition. Movements with beaten, leap steps, oblique and lateral. Virtuous, lively dance. M.M 24 160-184.
,,Hora cu strigături”
III.26. ,,Horă bătută” – fundamental background, common rhythm, general tempo, more pronounced than that of the "hora", musical bar 2/4 (exclusively), syncopate rhythmic formula, accents in counter-time, stylistic interferences with the genre of "bătuta". Kinetic developed build, a complex one; mismatching overlapping, beatings, top-heel steps, leaps, swinging, broad and emphasized movements of arms. Common function; vigorous, vivacious and exuberant character. Mixed circle, sometimes male. Lateral unfolding with a trend to the right side. E.g. types with mutual sense “Horă”, “Horă pe bătaie”, ,,Joc mare”, ,,Horă în două părţi”; with a special meaning ,,Munteneasca”, ,,Horă cu strigături".
,,Horă bătută”
III.27. ,,Ghilabauă” – Class: big "hora"; group: "hore dunărene"; type: "horă bătută". It is a male dance. Closed circle, sometimes open; a soloist in the center, who expresses the shouts repeated by the group. Sometimes special texts. Bilateral unfolding, with beaten steps, top-heel steps, syncopated beaten steps, chain of arms downward. Large oscillating movements of arms, arms raised up. Common rhythm, lively, fast, emphasized dynamic tempo. Common function, with exuberant, lively character, overlapping mismatch. Musical-choreographic genre: "Horă bătută". Integrating ancient background. 2/4 M.M = 120-160, binary rhythm, ternary formula. Frequently found in the south and rarely in the center of the country.
,,Învârtită bătută”
III.28. ,,Rusească” – Class: small "hore"; median background; type: "Ţărănească" (peasant dance), "învârtită bătută". Large circles, small circles. Mixed, in chain of arms crossed backwards, on the shoulders; with simple steps, pattering steps, rapid twists, leap steps, top-heel steps in variable unfolding. Simple build, other times developed, consistent overlap. Common rhythm, common function. Lyrical, lively character. Musical-choreographic genre: "Horă bătută". It is danced in beaten steps and constantly twisting to one and other side, with one or several pairs coming in the center of the circle, who afterwards return to the circle row and offering to other participants the opportunity to manifest themselves. It is also an initiating dance, of inviting the girl to dance.
,,Horă – polcă”
III.29. ,,Horă din Căuşeni” – class: couples; group: polka; type: hora-polka, circle, couples in a circle. The unfolding takes place on the spot, inside the circle. The stance during the I part – chain of folded arms; during the II part - partners face to face, twisting in stance of polka and twisting the girl under the right hand of the boy. Fixed sequence. Common rhythm M.M 2 / 4, found on the whole territory of the republic.
,,Roată bătută”
III.30. ,,Ţărănească” – "Roată bătută" or "Rusească". Ancient background elements characteristic for "hora", constantly turning in straight mixed group, dynamic from slow to fast; instead of beaten steps, cross steps, twists; fast, high speed of the steps; fragmentation of the circle into smaller circles, male, most recently mixed; the partner (she) in the middle of the circle or semicircle, or more dancers performing steps beaten on the spot, often revolves freely in a circle or semicircle, pairs return upon command, dancers are caught in smaller circles 6.8 or 10 people and revolve fast. They choose the king and queen of the dance. Ex. “Papandura”. Class: "Hore mici", type: peasant dance; music genre – "horă bătută".
,,Jocul cel mare”
III.31. ,,Jocul cel mare” or ,,Hora mare” – is a slow dance "hora lenta"; binary rhythm, in the ternary division, 6/8 measurement, particular rhythm. Ancient background, special function, sometimes open. Mixed composition, chain of arms held at shoulder level. Performance through passing. Simple build in a uniform or fixed sequence, sometimes mobile, consistent overlap. Dancers sing songs and texts by instrumental accompaniment, according to the ceremony, quiet character, solemnly. This dance style is also found as a species of moderate dance 2/4 M.M = 80-120 rhythm binary / ternary.
,,Danţ de nuntă”
III.32. ,,Dansul miresei” sau ,,Danţu’” – Class: large group "hore mari": "hore simple", type: "danţ de nuntă"; wedding-dance genre: fundamental stylistic layer; type: slow dance 6/8 M.M = (50) 60-100. Binary, ternary rhythm combinations, and the stylistic species: moderate "Hora" 2/4 M.M = (80) -90 to 120. Rhythm binary, with binary and ternary combinations. Closed circle or female. Stance – chain of arms at the chest level, walks around, with simple steps.
“Danţ de nuntă”, wedding-dance – consistent figures of simple structure in succession, concurring overlapping, simple construction; slow, moderate tempo. Dancers sing songs and texts accompanied by instruments. Ceremonial function. Solemn, quiet character; two subtypes, attested on the entire territory of the republic.
,,Horă dreaptă”
III.33. ,,Nunească” – Class: "hore mari"(large); group: "hore simple" (simple); type: "horă dreaptă". Musical-choreographic genre: "horă mare". Stylistic type: slow "hora"; moldavian type, 6/8 M.M = (50) 60-100. Binary rhytm, in ternary division. Fundamental layer, practiced only at weddings. Special function. Quiet/lively character, moderate tempo 2 /4, 68. Unfolding by walking around. Walks with simple steps, beaten steps; performed when the bride, bridegroom, god-parents and parents-in-law return from the church. It is danced in a circle, the chain of arms is held to the chest height, with arms on shoulders. Danced mainly in the center of Moldova. E.g.: "hora mare" “La dusul nunului” – ,,Căţeaua”; danced in the south of the country with shouts, jokes about the god-parents. Accessories (strings of peppers, masks), performed at the crossroads.
(see Traditions and Expressions of Verbal Art, having Language and Word Meaning as main Vehicle for Cultural Expression; Traditions and Expressions of the Musical Art or Practice; Celebrations, Customs and Rites; Knowledge, Practices and Symbols about Man, Nature and Cosmos; Techniques and Knowledge concerning Traditional Craftsmanship).
(Districts: Briceni, Ocniţa, Edineţ, Donduşeni, Drochia, Soroca, Floreşti, Râscani, Glodeni, Făleşti, Sângerei)
Repertory of mixed group dances
,,Sirba de mina” – choreographic type: Sirba comuna, musical type: Sirba moderata;
,,Sirba de mina” – choreographic type: Briu mocanesc, musical type: Batuta-briu;
,,Hora mare” – choreographic type: Hora dreapta, musical type: Hora mare (lenta);
,,Briul” – choreographic type: Briu nou, musical type: Batuta-briu;
,,Chindia” – choreographic type: Sirba comuna, musical type: Sirba;
,,Scaunelul (Minioasa)” – choreographic type: Taraneasca, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Batrineasca” – choreographic type: Taraneasca, musical type: Batrineasca, (Hora maderata);
,,Hora de mina” – choreographic type: Taraneasca, musical type: Hang;
,,Sirba de doi” – choreographic type: Sirba de doi, musical type: Sirba-n vals;
,,Sirba comuna” – choreographic type: Sirba comuna, musical type: Sirba;
,,Ciurul” – choreographic type: Ciuleandra (Hore mici), musical type: Hora,sirba;
,,Hora din Ciudei” – choreographic type: Baraboi, musical type: Hora lenta;
,,Hora in batai” – choreographic type: Hora batuta, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Hora de mina” – choreographic type: Hora dreapta, musical type: Hora lenta;
,,Ruseasca” – choreographic type: Taraneasca, musical type: Sirba-n vals;
,,Taraneasca” – choreographic type: Taraneasca, musical type: Batrineasca (hora moderata);
,,Coragheasca” – choreographic type: Taraneasca, musical type: Hora batuta cu strigaturi;
,,Hore in doua parti” – choreographic type: Hore in doua parti (moderata), musical type: Hora in doua parti;
,,Sirba in bataie” – choreographic type: Sirba comuna, musical type: Sirba;
,,Hangul de la Coteala” – choreographic type: Taraneasca, musical type: Hora batuta (hang);
,,Alunelul” – choreographic type: Briu nou, musical type: Sirba lui 22;
,,Tarancuta” – choreographic type: Taraneasca, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Joc mare” – choreographic type: Hora dreapta, musical type: Hora lenta;
,,Sirba-n batai” – choreographic type: Sirba comuna, musical type: Sirba;
Repertory of couple dances
,,Hora mare” – choreographic type: Hora-polca, musical type: Hora lenta;
,,Jocul cel mare” – choreographic type: Hora dreapta, musical type: Jocul cel mare;
,,Hora mare” – choreographic type: Hora dreapta, musical type: Hora mare (lenta);
,,Papandura” – choreographic type: Polca schioapa, musical type: Hostropat;
,,Frunza nucului” (Paduretul)” – choreographic type: Doi plimbat, musical type: Hora moderata (special text);
,,Paduretul” – choreographic type: Doi plimbat, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Arnautul” – choreographic type: Hora dunareana; musical type: Hora
,,Bocaneasca” – choreographic type: Hora-polca, musical type: Hora;
,,Polca” – choreographic type: Polca dreapta, musical genre: De doi ,,apusean”;
,,Itele” – choreographic type: Hora-polca, musical type: Hora;
,,Pastaia” – choreographic type: Doi plimbat, musical type: Hora lenta;
,,Calupul” – choreographic type: Baraboi, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Trei lemne” – choreographic type: Doi plimbat, musical type: Sirba;
,,Baraboiul” – choreographic type: Baraboi, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Fudula” – choreographic type: Hora-polca (hora moderata), musical type: Batrineasca;
,,Frunza marului” – choreographic type: Hora-polca (hora moderata), musical type: Batrineasca;
,,Sindreanca” – choreographic type: Baraboi, musical type: Hora batuta;
,,Boierasul” – choreographic type: Doi plimbat, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Alunelul” – choreographic type: Briu nou, musical type: Briu;
,,Coasa” – choreographic type: Doiuri simple, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Colbul” – choreographic type: Invartita dreapta, musical type: Sirba-n vals;
,,Janica” – choreographic type: Hora, musical type: Hora;
,,Oira” – choreographic type: Doi plimbat, musical type: Hora;
,,Coserul” – choreographic type: Hora-polca, musical type: Hora batuta;
,,Padispanul” – choreographic type: Doi plimbat, musical type: De doi apusean”;
,,Foarfecele” – choreographic type: Doi plimbat, musical type: Sirba-saier (of leaving for army);
,,Polca” – choreographic type: Hora-polca, musical type: Hora moderata, tip: Busuioc;
,,Sirba de la Tarigrad” – choreographic type: Sirba la comanda, musical type: Sirba pe bataie;
,,Sarampoiul” – choreographic type: Oleandra (Doi banatean), musical type: Ostropat;
,,Cioara” – choreographic type: Doi plimbat, musical type: Sirba;
,,Ardeleanca” – choreographic type: Doi banatean, musical type: Sirba cu strigaturi;
,,Paraschita” – choreographic type: Polca schioapa, musical type: De doi ,,apuseni”;
,,Ilenuta” – choreographic type: Baraboi, musical type: Batrineasca;
,,Banul maracinei” – choreographic type: Doi plimbat, musical type: Ostropat;
,,Septeleanca” – choreographic type: Invirtita ardeleana, musical type: Invirtita;
,,Invirtita” – choreographic type: Invirtita ardeleana; musical type: Hora;
,,Caraselul” – choreographic type: Sirba de doi, musical type: Sirba;
,,Chindia” – choreographic type: Taraneasca, musical type: Sirba;
,,Optul” – choreographic type: Sirba-n doi, musical genre: De doi ,,Taranesc”;
,,Arnautul” – choreographic type: Doi banatean, musical genre: De doi “Taranesc”;
,,Padispanul” – choreographic type: Baraboi, musical genre: De doi ”apusean”;
Repertory of male dances
,,Rata” – choreographic type: special band/ group (entertaining), musical type: Sirba la comanda;
,,Arcanul” – choreographic type: Sirba la comanda, musical type: Batuta-briu;
,,Sirba trei ciocane” – choreographic type: entertaining Sirba, musical type: Sirba pe bataie;
,,Hangul” – choreographic type: Hora batuta, musical type: Hora cu strigaturi;
,,Sirba” – choreographic type: Sirba comuna, musical type: Sirba;
,,Batuta” – choreographic type: Briu pe batae, musical type: Batuta-briu;
,,Leganata” – choreographic type: Sirba comuna, musical type: Sirba;
,,Sirba studentilor” – choreographic type: Sirba comuna, musical type: Sirba;
,,Corobanca” – choreographic type: Hora batuta, musical type: Batrineasca;
,,Cozacul batut” – choreographic type: Sirba comuna, musical type: Batuta-briu;
,,Sirba in batai” – choreographic type: Sirba comuna, musical type: Batuta-briu;
,,Haiduceasca” – choreographic type: entertaining band/ group, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Coraghiasca” – choreographic type: Briuri carpatice, musical type: Batuta-briu;
,,Ciobanasul” – choreographic type: shepherd group, musical type: Hora;
,,Batuta” – choreographic type: Hora batuta, musical type: Hora batuta;
Repertory of ritual dances on New Year
,,Hora din Căluţi (Floricica)” – choreographic type: Ceata speciala, musical type: Hora lenta cu strigaturi;
,,Jocul caprei” – choreographic type: Solo ritual, musical type: Ostropat;
,,Sârba din Căiuţi” – choreographic type: special band, musical type: Sirba pe bataie;
,,Moşnegii” – choreographic type: entertaining band/ group, musical type: Batrâneasca;
,,Jocul babelor” – choreographic type: entertaining band/ group, musical type: Batrâneasca;
,,Jocul cailor” – choreographic type: Batuta solistica, musical type: Batuta;
,,Craii” – choreographic type: special group/ band, musical type: Batuta solistica;
,,Cocostârcul (Barza)” – choreographic type: Solo special, musical type: Ostropat;
,,Jocul ursului” – choreographic type: Solo ritual, musical type: Hora lenta;
,,Calul” – choreographic type: Solo ritual, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Cerbul” – choreographic type: Solo ritual, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Malanca” – choreographic type: entertaining band/ group, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Nunta Ţării” – choreographic type: entertaining band/ group, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Calul” – choreographic type: Geampara solistica, musical type: Ostropat;
,,Jienii” – choreographic type: special group/ band; musical type: Hora pe bataie;
,,Novacii” – choreographic type: special group/ band; musical type: Hora pe bataie;
,,Brâncovenii” – choreographic type: Ceata speciala; musical type: Hora pe bataie;
,,Haiducii” – choreographic type: entertaining band/ group, musical type: Suita;
,,Jocul împaraţilor” – choreographic type: entertaining band/ group, genre musical: Suita;
,,Jocul caprelor” – choreographic type: entertaining band/ group, genre musical: Suita;
,,Arnăuţii” – choreographic type: Briu carpatic, musical type: Batuta-briu;
,,Malanca” – choreographic type: entertaining band/ group; musical genre: Suita;
Repertory of dances from the cycle of summer time feasts
,,Drăgăica”- Special bands – choreographic type: Drăgăică, musical type: Horă;
,,Cununa”– choreographic type: Special band, musical type: Horă moderată;
,,Căluşarii” – choreographic type: Căluş ritualic, musical genre: Suită.
Repertory of ritual dances at the wedding ceremony
,,Dansul miresei” – choreographic type: Dant, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Jucatul darului” – choreographic type: Solo ritual, musical type: Ostropat;
,,Dansul găinii” – choreographic type: simple Solo; musical type: Sirba;
,,De trei ori în jurul mesei” – choreographic type: Hora lenta; musical type: Hora lenta
,,Jucatul zestrei” – choreographic type: Batrineasca, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Jocul cel mare” – choreographic type: Hora mare dreapta, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Danţul miresei” – choreographic type: Hora mare (both slow and moderate), musical type: Hora;
,,Zestrea” – choreographic type: Solo ritual, musical type: Ostropat;
,,Sârba nunţii” – choreographic type: Sirba comuna, musical type: Sirba;
,,Cuza” – choreographic type: Hora dreapta, musical type: Hora moderata;
Repertory of magic dances
,,Drăgaica” – special group/ band – choreographic type: Dragaica, musical type: Hora;
,,Cununa”– choreographic type: special group, musical type: Hora moderata;
,,Căluşarii” – choreographic type: Calus ritual, genre musical: Suita.
(Districts: Soldanesti, Ungheni, Telenesti, Rezina, Orhei, Calarasi, Nisporeni, Straseni,Criuleni, Dubasari, Anenii-Noi, Chisinau, Ialoveni, Hincesti, Calarasi)
Repertory of mixed group dances
,,Hora mare” – choreographic type:" Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Hora (lentă)";
,,Hora” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Hora (moderată)";
,,Hora” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: Hora (hora batuta);
,,Hora” – choreographic type: "Hora în două părţi", musical type: "Hora în două părţi (moderata)";
,,Joc mare” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Joc mare (lent)";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba (lentă)";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba (moderata)";
,,Sârba pe bătaie” – choreographic type: "Brâu mocănesc", genre musical: "Sârba";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba (accelerat)";
,,Brâu” – choreographic type: "Brâu carpatic (mocănesc)", musical type: "Bătuta-brâu";
,,Brâu” – choreographic type: "Brâu mocănesc", musical type: "Brâu";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună (de mână)", musical type: "Sârba (moderat)";
,,Hora dreaptă” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă (mocănesc)", musical type: "Hora (moderat)";
,,Hora în două părţi” – choreographic type: "Hora în două părţi", musical type: "Hora în două părţi (lent)";
,,Joc mare” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Hora în două părţi (lent)";
,,Hora” – choreographic type: "Hora bătută", musical type: "Horă bătută";
,,Hora în două părţi” – choreographic type: "Hora în două părţi", musical type: "Hora în două părţi (moderat)";
,,Maruntica” – choreographic type: "Polca şchioapă", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Hora în bătăi” – choreographic type: "Hora bătută", musical type: "Hang";
,,Hang”– choreographic type: "Hora în două părţi", musical type: "Hang";
,,Hora bătută” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Horă (moderat)";
,,Hora în două părţi” – choreographic type: "Hora în două părţi", musical type: "Hora bătută (Hang)";
,,Sârba de mână” – choreographic type: "Brâu carpatic", musical type: "Brâu";
,,Chindia” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârbă";
,,Copăcelul” – choreographic type: "Hora-polcă", musical type: "Hora (moderata)";
,,Ciuleandra” – choreographic type: "Ciuleandra", musical type: "Horă";
,,Ciurul” – choreographic type: "Ciuleandra", musical type: "Sârbă";
,,Cârlănuţa” – choreographic type: "Ţărăneasca", musical type: "Sârba-n vals";
,,Raţa” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba în bătăi".
Repertory of couple dances
,,Hangul de la Coloniţa” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Hang";
,,Păstaia” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Hora mare (hora lentă)";
„Rezinca” – choreographic type: "Polca dreaptă", musical type: "Polca";
,,Rusasca” – choreographic type: "Sârba în doi", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Trandafirul” – choreographic type: "Polca dreaptă", musical type: "Hora";
,,Coasa” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Caraşelul” – choreographic type: "Polca schioapă", musical type: "Hora";
,,Cârligul” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Boieraşul” – choreographic type: "Polca dreaptă", musical type: "Hora";
,,Podispanul” – choreographic type: "Polca dreaptă", musical genre: "De doi", ,,Apusean”;
,,Vengherca” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical genre: "De doi", ,,Apusean”;
,,Hora zdruncinată” – choreographic type: "Sârba în doi", musical type: "Hora (moderată)";
,,Fata popii” – choreographic type: "Polca schioapă", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Floarea bostanului” – choreographic type: "Polca schioapă", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Urma dracului” – choreographic type: "Geampara (oleandra)", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Pomul” – choreographic type: "Doi bănăţean (Oleandra)", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Şaier” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Sârba-şaier";
,,Şaier” – choreographic type: "Hora-polcă", musical type: "Hora-şaier";
,,Raţa” – choreographic type: "Polca dreaptă", musical type: "Sârba moderată";
,,Copăcelul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Hora-polcă";
,,Trei lemne” – choreographic type: Doi plimbat, musical type: Sirba;
,,Buşanca” – choreographic type: "Doi bănăţean", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Cioara neagră” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Calupul” – choreographic type: "Sârba în doi", musical type: "Hora";
,,Oleandra” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Iţele” – choreographic type: "Hora-polcă", musical type: "Hora (indeletniciri)";
,,Ţărăneasca” – choreographic type: "Ţărăneasca", musical type: "Bătrâneasca (Horă moderata)";
,,Polca” – choreographic type: "Polca dreaptă", musical type: "Hora-polcă";
,,Oira” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Hora";
,,Foarfecele” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Sârba-n şaier";
,,Polca din bătrâni” – choreographic type: "Hora-polcă", musical type: "Bătrâneasca (Hora moderată)";
,,Pintenaşul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Hora moderată";
,,Sâsâiacul” – choreographic type: "Polca dreaptă", musical type: "Hora";
,,Două mere” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Buşanca” – choreographic type: "Învârtita şchioapă", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Paraschiţa” – choreographic type: "Polca schioapă", musical type: "Hora-polcă";
,,Carapetul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "De doi" ,,Apusean”;
,,Şarampoiul” – choreographic type: "Învârtita şchioapă", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Mărăraşul” – choreographic type: "Oleandra (doi bănăţean)", genre musical: "De doi ţărănesc";
,,Mărăraşul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Tropotica” – choreographic type: "Ţărăneasca", musical type: "Bătrâneasca, (Hora moderata)";
,,Sârba dogarului” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Rotunda” – choreographic type: "Hora-polca", musical type: "Bătrâneasca";
,,Troanca” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Hora moderată";
,,Breaza” – choreographic type: "Breaza (de mână)", musical type: "Breaza";
,,Natalia” – choreographic type: "Ruseasca", musical type: "Sârba-n vals";
,,Padispanul” – choreographic type: "Baraboiul", musical genre: "De doi", ,,Apusean”;
,,Batrâneasca” – choreographic type: "Ruseasca"; musical type: "Hora moderată";
,,Chirieacul” – choreographic type: "Oleandra (Doi bănăţean)", musical type: "Ostropăţ".
Repertory of ritual dances at the wedding ceremony
,,La datul mâinii” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Hora lentă";
,,Legătoarea” – "Dansul prosopului", choreographic type: "Solo ritual", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,La sarmale” – choreographic type: "Geampara solistică", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Dansul bucătăreselor” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Hora moderată";
,,Colacul” – "Jocul colacului" – choreographic type: "Sârba distractivă", musical type: "Sârba moderată";
,,Danţul” – choreographic type: "Danţ de nuntă", musical type: "Danţ (Hora moderată)";
,,Joc mare” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Joc mare (moderat)";
,,Hora miresei” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Moldoveneasca";
,,Jocul miresei” – choreographic type: "Sârba în doi", musical type: "Sârba-n vals";
,,Şerveţelul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Ostropăţ".
Repertory of ritual dances on New Year
,,Babele” – choreographic type: "Ceata distractivă", musical type: "Bătrâneasca (Hora moderata)";
,,Ursul” – choreographic type: "Solo ritual", musical type: "Hora (moderata)";
,,Cucosul” – choreographic type: "Solo ritual", musical type: "Ostropat";
The dance of the procession from the stage-dance ,,Ursul” – choreographic type: "Hora pe bataie", musical type: "Hora cu strigături";
,,Capra” – choreographic type: "Solo ritual", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Căluţul” – choreographic type: "Solo ritual", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Jocul caprelor” – choreographic type: entertaining band/ group, musical type: "Suita (Hora lenta, Ostropat, Hora moderata)";
,,Moşii” – choreographic type: entertaining band/ group, musical type: " Bătrâneasca (Hora moderata)";
,,Moşii şi Babele” – choreographic type: "Ceata distractivă", "Hora-polca", musical type: "Suita – (Batrineasca-Hora cu strigaturi)";
,,Ciuca” – choreographic type: "Ceata distractivă", "Sârba la comandă", musical type: "Suită (Hora batută, Sârba pe bataie, Hora batută)";
,,Irozii” – choreographic type: "Hora batută", musical type: "Suita, (Hora cu strigături, Batuta-brâu)";
,,Căluţii” – choreographic type: "Ceata distractivă", musical type: "Suita (Sârba, Hora, Hora batută)";
,,Calul” – choreographic type: "Solo ritual", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
Repertory of ritual dances during the summer time feasts
,,Lazarelul” – choreographic type: "Solo simplu", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Paparuda” – choreographic type: "Solo simplu", musical type: "Hora";
,,Cununa” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Hora lentă(femeiesc)";
Repertory of male dances
,,Sârba zdruncinata” – choreographic type: "Brâu nou", musical type: "Sârba lui 22";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba (moderată)";
,,Brâu bătut” – choreographic type: "Brâu carpatic (mocănesc)", musical type: "Brâu (bătut)";
,,Brâu (în două părţi)” – choreographic type: "Brâu mocănesc", musical type: "Brâu";
,,Brâu” – choreographic type: "Brâu nou", musical type: "Brâu";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba" (accelerated);
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba distractivă", musical type: "Sârba" (slow);
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Brâu mocănesc", musical type: "Brâu";
,,Brâul feciorilor” – choreographic type: "Brâu nou", musical type: "Sârba la comandă";
,,Bătuta” – choreographic type: "Hora bătută", musical type: "Hora batută-brâu";
,,Sârba leganată” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba (moderate)";
,,Brâu” – choreographic type: "Brâu nou", musical type: "Brâu";
,,Sârba pe bătaie” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba";
Repertory of female dances
,,Sârba fetelor” – choreographic type: "Brâu nou", musical type: "Sârba lui 22";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Sârba fetelor” – choreographic type: "Brâu nou", musical type: "Brâu";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba pe bătaie";
(Districts: Leova, Cimişlia, Căuşeni, Slobozia, Ştefan-Vodă, Basarabeasca, Găgăuzia, Cantemir, Taraclia, Cahul)
Repertory of mixed group dance
,,Marunţica” – choreographic type: "Hora batută", musical type: "Hora batută",
,,Maruntica” – choreographic type: "Hora în două părţî", musical type: "Hora moderată";
,,Boghiana” – choreographic type: "Geampara (Hora dunăreană)", "Ostropăţ";
,,Foarfecele” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba şaier";
,,Hora în două părţi” – choreographic type: "Hora în două părţi", "Hora lentă", "Hora moderată";
,,Hora în două părţi” – choreographic type: "Hora, batuta", musical type: "Hora batuta (Hang)";
,,Hora” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Hora moderată";
,,Brâu” – choreographic type: "Brâu nou (dunărean)", musical type: "Brâu pe bătaie";
,,Brâu” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Brâu";
,,Sârba de mână” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: Sirba;
,,Sârba studenteasca” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună, musical type: "Sârba";
,,Sârba pe bătaie” – choreographic type: "Brâu mocănesc", musical genre: "Bătuta-brâu";
,,Hora mare” choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Hora mare";
,,Hora ţopăită” – choreographic type: "Hora în două părţi", musical type: "Hora moderată în două părţi", ,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba în doi", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Hora” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Hora/lentă".
Repertory of couple dances
,,Balul mărăcinei” – choreographic type: "Doi bănăţean", musical type: "Sârbă";
,,Patlagica” – choreographic type: "Sârbă de doi", musical type: "Sârbă";
,,Şchiopăţica” – choreographic type: "Polcă şchioapă", musical type: "Horă-polcă moderată";
,,Oleandra” – choreographic type: "Doi bănăţean (Oleandra)", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Oleandra” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Mocăncuţa” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Horă moderată";
,,Saierul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Hora-şaier";
,,Răcuşorul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Sârbă";
,,Oira” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Horă";
,,Baraboiul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Horă";
,,Mărunţişul” – choreographic type: "Baraboi", musical type: "Horă";
,,Horă dreaptă” – choreographic type: "Horă dreaptă", musical type: "Horă (moderată)";
,,Sârbă” – choreographic type: "Sârbă comună", musical type: "Sârbă";
,,Horă zdruncinată” – choreographic type: "Horă-polcă", musical type: "Horă cu strigături";
,,Ţopăita” – choreographic type: "Horă-polcă", musical type: "Horă în două părţi";
,,Rusasca” – choreographic type: "Învârtită dreaptă în perechi", musical type: "Horă moderată";
,,Pintenaşul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Horă moderată";
,,Vengherca” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Horă moderată de doi ,,apusean”;
,,Calupul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Horă";
,,Cărăselul” – choreographic type: "Horă-polcă", musical type: "Horă bătută";
,,Sălcioara” – choreographic type: "Horă-polcă", musical type: "Horă moderată";
,,Iţele” – choreographic type: "Horă-polcă", musical type: "Horă (îndeletnicire)";
,,Tropăţica” – choreographic type: "Sârbă în doi", musical type: "Sârbă pe bătaie";
,,Arnăutul” – choreographic type: "Doi bănăţean (Oleandra)", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Polcuţa” – choreographic type: "Polcă dreaptă", musical type: "Horă-polcă";
,,Şarampoiul” – choreographic type: "Doi bănăţean (Oleandra)", musical type: "Ostropăţ, Oleandra";
,,Valsul” – choreographic type: "Sârbă de doi", musical type: "Sârbă-n vals";
,,Baraboiul” – choreographic type: "Barabo", musical type: "Horă moderată".
Repertory of ritual dances at the wedding ceremony
,,Danţul” – choreographic type: "Danţ de nuntă", musical type: "Horă lentă sau moderată";
,,Uşa cortului” – choreographic type: "Solo ţigănesc", musical type: "Ţigăneasca";
,,La datul mâinii” – choreographic type: "Horă dreaptă", musical type: "Horă lentă";
,,La jucat beteala” – choreographic type: "Solo ritualic", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,De dus nunul acasă” – choreographic type: "Horă dreaptă", musical type: "Horă moderată";
,,La jucatul darului” – choreographic type: "Solo ritualic", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Jocul prosopului” – choreographic type: "Solo ritualic", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Joc mare” – choreographic type: "Horă în două părţi", "Horă lentă," musical type: "Joc mare";
,,Conăcăreasca” – choreographic type: "Solo ritualic", musical type: "Horă lentă";
,,Hora miresei” – choreographic type: "Horă dreaptă", musical type: "Horă lentă sau moderată";
,,Jocul diavorului (de săltat)” – choreographic type: "Solo special", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Nuneasca”– choreographic type: "Horă dreaptă", musical type: "Horă lentă";
,,Hobotul” – choreographic type: "Horă dreaptă", musical type: "Horă lentă";
,,Horă” – choreographic type: "Horă dreaptă", musical type: "Joc mare";
,,Jocul cel mare” – choreographic type: "Horă dreaptă", musical type: "Jocul cel mare";
,,Năframa” – choreographic type: "Polcă şchioapă", musical type: "Horă moderată";
,,Şaier” – choreographic type: "Solo simplu (special)", musical type: "Sârbă-n şaier";
,,Căţeaua” – choreographic type: "Ceată distractivă", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Joc mare” – choreographic type: "Horă mare lentă", musical type: "Joc mare";
,,De năfrângi” – choreographic type: "Solo-bătută solistică", musical type: "Horă bătută cu strigături";
,,Cadâneasca” – choreographic type: "Geampara solistică", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Danţul” – choreographic type: "Danţ de nuntă", musical type: " Danţ (horă lentă)";
,,Jocul vorniceilor” – choreographic type: "Brâu mocănesc", musical type: "Bătută (brâul cămăraşilor)";
,,Păpuşele” – choreographic type: "Ceată distractivă", musical type: "Suită".
Repertory of funeral dances
,,Piperul” – choreographic type: Hora dreapta, musical type: Hora lenta.
Hora of the dead one around the coffin.
Repertory of ritual dances on New Year
,,Jocul caprei” – choreographic type: "Solo ritual", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Capriţa” – choreographic type: "Solo ritual", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Ursul” – choreographic type: "Solo ritual", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Cocostârcul” – choreographic type: entertaining group/ band, musical type: "Ostropăţ".
Repertory of ritual dances from the cycle of summer time feasts
,,Paparuda” (leului) – choreographic type: "Solo simplu", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Lazarelul” – choreographic type: "Solo ritual", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Lazaritele” – choreographic type: "Drăgaica" (special group/band), musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Cucii” – choreographic type: special group/ band, musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Paparudele” – choreographic type: special group/ band, (tip: "Dragaica"), musical type: "Sârba";
,,Dragaica” – choreographic type: "Dragaica", musical type: "Hora moderată";
,,Paparuda” – choreographic type: "Drăgaica", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Craitele” – choreographic type: special group/ band, (tip: "Dragaica"), musical type: "Hora moderată";
,,Hora dragaicelor” – choreographic type: "Dragaica", musical type: "Hora moderata".
Repertory of male dances
,,Brâul” – choreographic type: "Brâu carpatic", musical type: "Brâu bătut";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Sârba studenţilor” – choreographic type: "Brâu nou", musical type: "Brâu";
,,Bătuta” – choreographic type: "Hora bătută", musical type: "Hora în două părţi";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Brâu carpatic", musical type: "Brâu";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Brâu mocănesc", musical type, "Sârba";
,,Brâul ofiţeresc” – choreographic type: "Bătuta solistică", musical type: "Bătuta-brâu";
,,Ghilabaua” – choreographic type: "Hora batută", musical type: "Hora cu strigături";
,,Brâul” – choreographic type: "Bătuta solistică", musical type: "Bătuta-brâu";
,,Brâu în două părţi” – choreographic type: "Brâu mocănesc", musical type: "Brâu";
,,Hangul” – choreographic type: "Brâu mocănesc", musical type: "Bătuta", "Brâu";
,,Sârba zdruncinata” – choreographic type: "Brâu mocănesc", musical type: "Bătuta-brâu";
,,Hora în două părţi” – choreographic type: "Hora în două părţi", musical type: "Hora moderată", (type: "Hora în 2 părţi");
,,Hora topăită” – choreographic type: "Geampara solistică", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Tăbăcăreasca” – choreographic type: "Brâu mocănesc, musical type: "Bătuta-brâu;
,,Sârba trei ciocane” – choreographic type:"Sârba distractivă", musical type: "Sârba la comandă", "Sârba pe bătaie";
,,Ciobaneasca” – choreographic type: "Ceata ciobanească", musical type: "Hora-bătută";
,,Mocănaşul” – choreographic type: "Solo-bătută solistică", musical type: "Hora-bătută".
Repertory of female dances
,,Schiţa” – choreographic type: "Brâu dunărean", musical type: "Brâu";
,,Hangul nevestelor” – choreographic type: "Hora în două părţi", musical type: "Hora lentă", "Joc mare";
,,Hora”– choreographic type:" Hora în două părţi", musical type: "Hora în două părţi;
,,Hora dreaptă” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Hora (moderate)";
,,Sârba” – choreographic type: "Sârba comună", musical type: "Sârba".
(Districts: Camenca, Ribnita, Dubasari, Grigoriopol, Slobozia)
Repertory of mixed group dances
,,Hangul” – choreographic type: "Hora bătută", musical type: "Hang";
,,Şarampoiul” – choreographic type: "Învirtita şchioapă", musical type: "Învirtita";
,,Hora în două părţi” – choreographic type: "Hora în două părţi", musical type: "Hora în două părţi";
,,Moldoveneasca” – choreographic type: "Hora dreaptă", musical type: "Hora";
,,Moldoveneasca” – choreographic type: "Învirtita dreaptă", musical type: "Sârba";
,,Bulgareasca” – choreographic type: "Brâu carpatic", musical type: "Brâu".
Repertory of couple dances
,,Polca” – choreographic type: "Polca dreaptă", musical genre: "De doi ,,apusean”;
,,Mariţa” – choreographic type: "Sârba în doi", musical type: "Hora";
,,Carabetul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "De doi ,,apusean”;
,,Caracoveacul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "De doi ,,apusean”;
,,Chiriacul” – choreographic type: "Hora-polca", musical type: "Hora";
,,Invirtita” – choreographic type: "Învirtita şchioapă", musical type: "Hora";
,,Oira” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Hora";
,,Şaierul” – choreographic type: "Doi plimbat", musical type: "Sârba-n vals";
,,Şarampoiul” – choreographic type: "Doi bănăţean (Oleandra)", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
,,Calupul” – choreographic type: "Sârba în doi", musical type: "De doi ,,apusean”
,,Oleandra” – choreographic type: "Învirtita şchioapă", musical type: "Ostropăţ";
Repertory of male dances
,,Bătuta”, ,,Arnăuţii”, ,,Voiniceasca”, ,,Jocul fierarilor”.
Select bibliography:
- *** Arta muzicală din Republica Moldova. Istorie şi modernitate [Musical art in the Republic of Moldova. History and modernity]. Chişinău: Grafema Libris, 2009.
- Berov, Leonid. Melodii populare de joc [Folk dance melodies]. Chişinău: Cartea Moldovenească, 1974.
- Bucşan, Andrei. Clasificarea morfologică a dansurilor populare româneşti [The morphologic classification of Romanian folk dances] // Revista de Etnografie şi Folclor [Journal of Ethnography and Folklore], Tom 12 nr. 3, Bucureşti, 1967.
- Bucşan, Andrei. Specificul dansului popular românesc [The specific of the Romanian folk dance]. Bucureşti: Editura ARSR, 1971.
- Chişeliţă, Vasile. Probleme de clarificare a muzicii tradiţionale de dans din Basarabia şi nordul Bucovinei [Problems of classification of the traditional dance music from Bessarabia and Northern Bucovina] (1).
- Curbet, Vladimir. La gura unei peşteri de comori [At the threshold of a cave with treasures]. Chişinău: Asociaţia de stat ,,Cartea Moldovei” 1994.
- Curbet, Vladimir. Aşa-i jocul pe la noi [This is how we dance], Chişinău: Literatura artistică, 1985.
- Curbet, Vladimir. La vatra horelor [At the home of hore], Chișinău: Literatura artistică, 1973.
- Moraru, Marina. Dicţionar de forme şi genuri muzicale [Dictionary of musical forms and genres]. Chişinău: Epigraf, 1998.
- Popa, Pavel. Jocul vetrelor străbune. Studiu coregrafic [The dance of old villages. Choreographic study]. Chişinău: Grafema Libris, 2005.
- Ştefănucă, Petre. Hora în regiunea Iurcenilor [Hora in the Iurceni region]. În: Sociologie Românească [Romanian Sociology], an.III, (Bucureşti), 1938, nr. 10-12, p. 534-547.