January 2011
Documentation of the custom „Colindatul în ceată bărbătească” in localities. Audio, video and photo recording of Colindatul / caroling in the villages Popeasca and Răscăieţi from Cahul District; Sadâc, Cantemir District; Şipca and Mihuleni from Şoldăneşti District. Partners: Studiou „Moldova-Film”, Society of Ethnology from the Republic of Moldova and local public authorities.
February 2011
Raising awareness of communities on protection of the custom „Colindatul în ceată bărbătească”. Field researches in the localities situated in the central part of the Republic of Moldova, in Orhei, Criuleni, Teleneşti, Rezina districts. Signed agreements with local public authorities on protection of the custom colindatul/caroling.
March 2011
Opening the exhibition „Craftsmanship in the Republic of Moldova and the UNESCO Award of excelence for handicrafts”. Were organized master classes in domain of craft skills.
Organization of the Scientific Conference „Elaboration of the National ICH Inventory of the Republic of Moldova: proposals, achievements, perspectives”. Presentation of results of the Pilot Project on making up the National ICH Inventory of the Republic of Moldova in accordance with the provisions of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage”.
April 2011
Raising awareness of communities on protection of the custom „Colindatul în ceată bărbătească”. Meetings with mayors from the South of the Republic of Moldova.
May 2011
Completion of the Law Project on safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage. Transmission of the document to the parliamentary commission in order it to be discussed.
Signing the agreements with local public authorities on protection of the custom „Colindatul în ceată bărbătească”.
June 2011
Field researches in the villages from the South of Romania, Galaţi District. Completing archives with new materials on the elements of the intangible cultural heritage.
July 2011
Field researches in the villages of the Southern Ukraine, Reni and Izmail districts. Completing archives with new materials on the elements of the intangible cultural heritage.
August 2011
Field researches in the villages of Cahul District, the Republic of Moldova. Completing archives with new materials on the elements of the intangible cultural heritage.
September 2011
Raising awareness in communities on protection of the custom „Colindatul în ceată bărbătească”. Meetings with mayors from the Northern part of the Republic. Completing archives with new materials on the elements of the intangible cultural heritage.